Google Taking Over Your Tube (T.V)?

Google may be roosting above your TV soon, according to recent reports. New is, the search giant is teaming with Sony, Logitech and Intel to create a TV set-top box platform based on its Android operating system. and which is designed to meld traditional TV with Internet content.

A few weeks ago we heard some news about a few Google engineers taking home a new kind of set-top box to tinker and play around with. Not surprising as Google guys tinker with everything.

Apparently Google is teaming up with Intel, Sony  and Logitech  to build a consumer set-top box platform for mixing TV with the Internet. That's Google's Android for the OS, Intel for the chips, Sony to put together the first model, and Logitech to make the peripherals.

Currently, adding the Internet on your TV isn't exactly difficult -- just stick a VGA cable between your laptop and your flatscreen and your set to go! What the Google TV platform would do -- reportedly -- would be to streamline the experience of watching regular TV, Internet video and various Web sites through the television. They could also put a development kit out there for anyone who wanted to put their content on Google TV, maybe sort of like making your own cable channel.

If nothing else, the whole experience should be more like the familiar act of laying out munching on the couch and flipping through channels, rather than lying there with a wireless keyboard and mouse on your lap.

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