Yonoo: A Single Messenger for Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn and IM

Yoono’s mission is to help you stay connected to your friends and family, discover cool new stuff, and allow you to easily share and discuss your discoveries with the people you care about - wherever you are on the web. Atleast that is what their face-book profile states! 

Yoono is an easy to use application that allows you to connect to all your social networks and instant messaging services - in one place. Get all your friend updates, update your own status, and easily share stuff with your friends. 

There are so many social networking applications and IM networks that have come in the recent past that up that it becomes really difficult to keep track of activity on all of them. The applications that are able to integrate all these networks together are really the need of the hour. But Yoono seems to be be far ahead of its competition!  

The Social Networks and IM Networks currently supported by Yoono are: 
-Yahoo Messenger
-Google Talk

We haven’t really come across many free applications that have such a wide coverage, so Yoono really excels in that area.  

Yoono also has a nice tabbed interface. There is a tab for seeing updates from social networks, another tab for seeing all your friends, and a third tab to see all your IM networks.  

Yoono consolidates updates from all the social networks at one common place. When you go to “Updates” tab of Yoono, you can see updates from all your social networks. You can even select to see updates from only specific social network if you like, by just selecting the icon for that network. Another great feature of Yoono is that it lets you see all your friends in one consolidated list. This is available in “Friends” tab. Yoono also lets you chat with your friends on popular chat networks from one central place. Just head over to “IM” tab and chat!

The best part is that Yonoo is compatible with most popular operating systems like Windows, Mac & Linux! It is also available as a plug-in for the Firefox browser.

If I have interested you in trying out this application then click here to download the application.

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