Unfollow People Not following You - Twitter Karma

It gets very annoying when you follow these people on Twitter and after a few days, even months they have still not followed you back?

It’s kinda like saying "Hello" to someone and then them not saying it back! Twitting and following someone is like an online hello. Most people don't get this simple online etiquette.

But I just found a solution. ;-)

Twitter Karma is one of the best web-applications to unfollow those who do not follow you back on twitter. You can also follow those who follow you but aren’t being followed by you.

Basically, the Twitter Karma involves managing your twitter followers and unfollowers efficiently. Unfortunately you can not unfollow or follow users in bulk due to a new Twitter policy. Seems we are back to the days when we had to manually unfollow twitter users one click at a time!

Atleast Twitter Karma has a simple user-interface that makes it easier than manually doing it on Twitter.

To go to Twitter Karma click here.

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