1.7 Million iPhones Sold in 3 Days!!!!

A sleeker design, gloss on both sides, better camera, video calls,multitasking, etc.. these are some of the features of iPhone 4 that’s dragging new/old iPhone users to the stores.

Even after a huge pre-order system melt-down Apple managed to ship over 1.7 million phones in less than 3 days since its launch.

The phone is currently selling in only 5 countries. 18 other countries will be added to the list by the end of July and 88 countries in total by the end of September.

The following quote from Steve Jobs, give us a sense of what these numbers mean to Apple and ofcourse to the other competitors in the business:

“This is the most successful product launch in Apple’s history,”

Among other issues, iPhone 4’s antenna issue seems to be the most discussed and written about. Initially, Steve Jobs, responded by saying “Just avoid holding it that way.” But that seems to have changed to something that indicates that the company might be working on a Hardware/Software solution for the new iPhone users.

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