Huggies introduces DENIM DIAPERS...

The mother may be struggling to get back into her skinny jeans, but for a limited time her baby can wiggle his/her way into a fresh pair every few hours. Huggies introduced their jean diapers recently and it has caught everybody's attention!

Kimberly-Clark, maker of the Huggies brand of diapers, hopes to turn diapers into high fashion with a new limited-edition brand of denim-inspired diapers.

Huggies Little Movers Jeans Diapers will be available in stores nationwide for two months, and the target market seems to be parents who believe that their kids' diapers should look good as well as stop the flow of urine into cars, clothes and Grandma's antique furniture.

The diapers have already been introduced to 20 other countries including Mexico, South Korea and Russia, where the locals used to pay tourists hundreds of dollars for Levi's jeans just 25 years ago.

The disposable diapers look like dungarees so girls can wear them without a nappy cover under a sundress and boys can add some swagger to their crawl. Like any trendy item, the product will only be available for a limited time.

If they fit your youngster's fancy, then stock up! 

Check out their ad below:

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