Facebook Integrates with Orkut

Social networking has been here since times immemorial in one or the other forms.

Back to the era when Facebook was new, there were only a handful of social networking sites that were outrageously popular and one such social networking platform was
Orkut. But, ever since Facebook evolved, we can certainly assert that there are not many people who bother going back to Orkut for all those gossiping comments and social networking activities.
Now, Facebook now allows you to keep in touch with your Orkut account without signing into it. Yes, you can now stay connected with both Facebook and Orkut accounts directly by signing into facebook.

The configuration process to avail facebook settings for orkut is absolutely simple:

1. Log into your Facebook Account

2. A notification / reminder should appear on your account homescreen which says “Link Your Profile With Orkut”.

connect facebook to orkut

Click on this tab to proceed.

3. You will be redirected to a Facebook Privacy settings page. Select the entries you want to feature on Orkut and click “Save Changes”.

facebook to orkut

4. You are done.

By default, the Facebook to orkut application has privacy settings configured to “Set my privacy to everyone” which means your profile data and facebook activities will be viewable/accessible to all other users on the web. So, select your privacy settings wisely.

Once these settings are configured, you can now enjoy posting facebook updates, photos, notifications and other things directly from your Facebook account to your Orkut account.

Imagine what happens to Facebook traffic if someone develops a similar Facebook app for the MySpace crowd. You can already check your GMail email message inside Facebook using FMail app.