Word Lens For iPhone App, Does Real Time Translations On Screen
QuestVisual has developed an application that makes use of augmented reality and your device’s camera to get you the text translation you need – on the go, in real time.
In a further simplified context, the application, known as Word Lens for iPhone, allows users to take snap shots of anything with text and translate the text in the captured images into a language of your choice, right away on your mobile screen, even without internet connectivity.
The application translates the text in the captured images word-by-word, effortlessly making your iPhone (or any compatible smartphone) the dictionary of the future. Words may fail us for a perfect description of it, butthe justifying video after the break should certainly grab your attention.
In a further simplified context, the application, known as Word Lens for iPhone, allows users to take snap shots of anything with text and translate the text in the captured images into a language of your choice, right away on your mobile screen, even without internet connectivity.
The application translates the text in the captured images word-by-word, effortlessly making your iPhone (or any compatible smartphone) the dictionary of the future. Words may fail us for a perfect description of it, butthe justifying video after the break should certainly grab your attention.
The Word Lens app for iPhone uses optical character recognition technology and augmented reality to identify the text in the image. It then looks up for this text in the dictionary and follows up with the appropriate word-to-word translationdirectly on the image itself.
The brainchild of founders Otavio Good and John DeWeese, the Word Lens iPhone App took 2 and a half year for development and testing before it hit the App Store recently. It certainly hints that the future is all about high-end phones and augments reality apps like this one.
Imagine looking up for sign board translations on the road side or the food menu translations in a restaurant when you are in a foreign country and the language doesn’t let you get through. Well, no reason to worry ‘cause you candownload World Lens for iPhone straightaway, for free.
However, the language packages (currently available : Spanish-English and English-Spanish) will cost you $4.99 per package. Support for other languages and presuambly other platforms (Android OS) too is coming soon.