Xtranormal - If you can type, you can make a movie
Most of us have an idea for a video but simply do not have the time or budge to actually shoot and produce it. But here is a breath of fresh air.
The idea behind Xtranormal is that you provide the service your script and it converts it into a movie using 3D animated characters, text-to-speech reading of your words in one of many different voices as well as animations and camera angles that you select.
The product does text-to-speech conversion so you don't need human actors, but it will also lip-synch recorded speech if you want the voices to sound real.
The Web-based version of Xtranormal will have some limitations in regards to the number of characters it will support (two, I think), their actions, and the fact that you have to "render" each animation before you can see it. A downloadable version will allow more characters, more interaction between them, and it allows for a real-time preview of your show.
The results though not always convincing, is certainly a leap forward in the area video-scripting. With this application already being successful and gaining popularity with each passing day, there have a lot critics propping up lately.
To them I ask, if they have ever even written a program? Java really doesn't count, unless you write a JAVA compiler. . I just love it when people who know nothing about the technical details are so generous with their criticism. Xtranormal has done something remarkable. Perhaps you need to be a technician to understand that.
You can certainly do some impressive things with Xtranormal. It can be especially useful for quickly “mocking up” a video or putting an idea out there for others to see. In short, it may not be a replacement for a real video with humans, but it might be a way to get a project up in a hurry if you don’t have the resources or time to do it yourself.
All in all if you want to do a quick, dirty and cheap video, Xtranormal is a great service. Yes, it won’t win you any awards nor will it rival the quality of what humans can do, but it is the fastest way to go from concept to video I’ve seen.
If you’re interested in it and can deal with its limitations, give Xtranormal a try. There are many situations where it can be useful. If nothing else, it can be a lot of fun to play around with. Click Here to make your movie.
Check out my first attempt at Xtranormal below: