Immigrants gain more jobs compared to Americans

A recent CNN report draws a conclusion similar to what some pro-immigrant organization made half a year ago: 2010 will become the best year for foreigners to get H1B Visa jobs!  

CNN reported on Oct 29,2010 that, immigrants have gained hundreds of thousands of jobs since the Great Recession is said to have ended, while U.S.-born workers lost more than a million jobs. 

Native-born workers lost 1.2 million jobs in the year following June 2009. In that same period of time, foreign-born workers gained 656,000 jobs, based on statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Labor. 

The disparity is even more extreme for the two-year period ending June 2010. During that time, foreign-born workers lost 400,000 jobs, while U.S.-born workers lost 5.7 million. As a result, immigrants outperformed native-born workers on unemployment rates. The unemployment rate for immigrants was 8.7% in June, compared to 9.7% for U.S.-born citizens. 

Seems that United States is really sticking to its title of a  "Nation of Immigrants" but at the cost of its own people!

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