France - The 'moment of the 'veil' is here

UPDATE: French police scuffle with a lady over burqa

Out of France's estimated 5 million muslims, hardly 2500 wear the full-face Islamic veil.

Yet this micro-minority alrams os much the mighty French Republic that it's politicians have united in the fight against the veil! As is usual in such cases, where  many bully the few, the majority are likely to have their way.

On July 13, the National Assembly passed a draft law (335-1 vote) declaring that no one in public space can wear clothing intended to hide the face. Critics of the veil, say it is oppressive to women. But it seems approximately all of the 2500+ women who wear the veil do it voluntarily and on their own desires.

Some others have even pointed that the burqa is antithetical to the French culture! This seems very intolerant of a nation that is known for its acceptance of art and style of other cultures.

If veiled French women are forced to reveal their faces on the street, it will be a sad day for that nation in particular and Europe in general.

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