Windows to Linux - Is the tide finally shifting?

How many of us have used Linux as our default Operating system? Not many!

How many of us have tried Linux but went back toWindows because it wasn’t as user friendly? Quite a few!

Many of my friends fall under the latter category of users who dumped Linux for compatibility and other issues. However, every time a new version of Ubuntu is released they go back hoping at least now it will play all video formats and identify the sound card without a problem, but no luck so far!
All of what I just said will still be a part of the core operating system but you’ll love to use it in the years to come. Why? Because you won’t even know you are on a Linux based operating system.

Android is fast becoming a universal OS. We’ve seen it running on Tablets, Laptops, Set-top boxes, in Cars, Phones and almost every imaginable consumer electronic that runs on a platform.

The market for such mobile devices is still unconquered and all the industry bigwigs are battling it out for the title. RIM which currently dominates the Smartphone market will lose it to Apple for the lack of innovation and Android will beat Apple for its openness and versatile adaptability. Last month’s report of Android outselling Apple’s iPhone may prove this point.

Though Windows is the dominating force in the desktop segment, it’s certainly not the OEMs choice for light weight tablets and other mobile devices. Windows OS loses here for its bulkiness and virus prone platform. HP Slate or HP Hurricane is the living example! HP dumped Windows 7 for the newly acquired WebOS.

Also, let’s not forget Google’s Chrome OS which is based on Linux core is yet to make its debut. It might very well be a game changer and Microsoft is probably already preparing for the worse to handle the heat!

Keeping all of this in mind, is it safe to say Linux will probably win the battle when it comes to “Tomorrows operating system"? Time will tell..

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