#SanctionUSA & #BoycottProductsFromUSA trend on Twitter after Paris Accord

After the debacle by Donald Trump at the Paris Accord, world leaders have regretfully viewed the incident as the demise of USA as the leader of the free world. They see Trump's actions as a vote bank politics to appease to it's base similar to the actions of the Indian Prime Minister Narender Modi with respect to 'Freedom of Religion' and 'Human Rights' in India.

Both leaders of perhaps the largest and powerful democracies in the world today are more concerned about their party's fate at the next elections (which are still far away) than the collective spirit of humanity and good faith that transcends nation boundaries.

Monaco’s Prince Albert, one of the world leaders who warned about Donald Trump‘s environmental views before the U.S. election, has called the president’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement a “historic mistake.”
“In a nutshell, what he did yesterday is too momentous of a decision to make without doing your homework,” he says. “When you are out on the campaign trail, making promises, you can’t be excused for not knowing things.

“But something this big, an issue this important to all citizens not only of America but to the world you have to do your homework before. When you are in office, and you have access to the sources, then you really have to do your homework.

“I really don’t understand how people can be so shortsighted or miss this completely. I don’t understand how when 97-98 percent of the world’s scientific community agrees that there is climate change impact, why anyone would want to be on the side of the 3 percent.

Russian President Vladimir Putin joked about President Donald Trump's decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord, the landmark international agreement intended to limit global warming, saying Russia should be grateful to the US because it's been so cold in Moscow.

"By the way, we should be grateful to President Trump. In Moscow it's raining and cold and even, they say, some snow," Putin told an audience at the St. Petersburg International Forum on Friday.

"Now we could blame this all on American imperialism, that it's all their fault," he continued. "But we won't."

Putin also argued that critics of Trump's decision were overreacting and that there's still time to renegotiate the agreement before it goes into effect in 2021.

"Don't worry, be happy," Putin said , adding, "We still have time. If we all work constructively, we can agree on something."

Meanwhile on Twitter, the call for #SanctionUSA & #BoycottProductsFromUSA have been gaining steam from the liberal public. Sites like Krystal champion the cause.

There have been calls to boycott American products since Donald Trump implemented a ban on refugees and people entering the US if they are from seven Muslim countries.

‘The whole world needs to send a very clear message to Donald Trump that what he is doing is simply unacceptable,’ Adam Poole said after setting up a group supporting the idea.

‘Much of his campaign centred around building up US based industries. As much as I don’t want to see ordinary American people hurt, threatening to boycott US products is perhaps the only way the world can make Trump listen and realise that what he is doing is simply not acceptable.

Speaking to Metro, Mr Poole said: ‘Given Trump and his (business) background, a boycott seems an appropriate method of getting the point across that his actions are beyond the bounds of what are acceptable (they are frankly disgraceful) and possibly the only means of protesting that might actually get that through to him.

With the world tide slowly turning against USA, will the citizens impeach the Donald or will the government use it's industrial-militarily complex for another false flag operation similar to Manchester & Boston to divert the general public's view. Only time will tell. 

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