Facebook teams with Twitter, Google Plus Threatened

“If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” This is, currently, the motto of both Facebook and Twitter as both of them have joined forces for a better social networking experience.

Could this spell doom for Google+? 

Facebook, which currently has over 750 million active users, will now allow users to update Twitter accounts on their Facebook platform. This new feature will enable the Facebook user account to update the twitter account, which is linked, with every update from Facebook.

The new feature will allow users post updates on both Facebook and Twitter at the same time, and will provide more content to Twitter. Facebook, now, will also be updating Twitter feeds. To start, the user needs to go to facebook.com/twitter and link the profile page to the twitter account.

This may or may not prove to be a danger sign for Google+ which is competing against both Facebook and Twitter, according to a PC Magazine report.

Twitter, currently, as compared to Facebook has only 100 million active users and many of the users rarely access Twitter.

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