Can Google Glasses Eliminate Corruption?

Earlier this year, news reports were 'leaked' that the NYPD was evaluating whether to give its officers Google Glass for investigations and patrols. Not surprisingly, many civil libertarians dislike the idea of government agencies wearing the Google Glass or other electronics that can send a constant stream of video and audio data to a government or third-party server.

But if we were to look at things from the other side of the fence, the Google Glass is a technology that will also be available to the general public in the near future. It will lead to fundamentally change how we interact with each other as a society.

Considering the recent reports about some early adopters being attacked or arrested, the path to the future seems to have it's share of thorns for Google Glass.

But let's consider some scenarios where it might have a more positive impact:

1) Interaction with Customs Officials:
Most of us who travel have our fair share of grievances with the people in customs. Asian and African countries are notorious for their corrupt custom officials. Many a times, people have being forced to pay customs on items that were duty free. And I personally know of instances where the officials have refused to provide an official invoice of the transaction!
Having a Google Glass will force them to be on their best behaviour and hopefully not cheat the common man.

2) Interaction with Police Officers.
During my trips to the West Indies, Africa & the Sub Continent, our vehicles have been regularly stopped by men in uniform. When they find no valid reason to fine us, they sheepishly ask for what is known in the sub continent as 'Chai Paani' (Bribe)!
If there was a fear that they are being recorded while acting immorally, then one would assume that would stop their illegal antics.

3) Interaction with Bullies at schools
While it is ideal to keep technology away from the young ones, it is a well know fact that kids as young as two play with iPads and smartphones nowadays! Given that it seems to be now socially acceptable for kids to flaunt around expensive gadgets, an interesting scenario that arises is of having real time video evidence of kids being bullied. But given the mindset of children and the young adults, it is hard to say which way will the pendulum swing in this case. Whether, it will decrease or increase the incidents of bullying, is hard to say.

At the moment, not many apps are available with the Google Glass that will help people utilize the device to it's maximum potential. But imagine, you being in any one of the above scenarios and simply switching on a 'Google Hangout' or going 'Live' on Youtube! For now, one can only imagine...

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