The Beginning...

Hello Fellow Earthlings,

I come from a sister planet and was expecting to greet you all today with a blessed day. Unfortunately, my arrival seems to have coincided with a earthquake on the western side of your planet on a nation called "Chile".

Luckily I found a companion on your planet (Nahk) who helps me get the lastest buzz on your planet. It is he who asked to start this 'Blog' and write on your issues from my perception - A Martian's View.

I really would have loved to start this 'blogging' on a happier note. But things never turn out the way they are supposed to. Perhaps that is why I am here today on this blue rock.

And Nahk tells me that the worst perhaps is not over. He says the educated among you predict huge waves called 'Tsunamis' to strike a major portion of your planet's coastlines in the Pacific.

Hmm, I am not sure if one is able to survive a direct hit from those watery-monsters. But I just hope that this prediction turns out to be a bummer.

I just hope that you 'Humans' are able to take better care of your planet. At present all you see of our planet is a big red rock. Believe me when I say this, my planet was always this way. It was as fertile and full of life as your planet. Perhaps we never knew when to stop depleting

resources. Unfortunately, you folks seem to be heading the same way.

My potential friends in the Pacific Rim I wish you survive this day and hope that tidal waves that are expected to hit your lands never reach their full potential.

To end my first report, here is an image of something Nahk brought me:

Image: Quakes in the world

This color-coded map shows earthquakes that have been recorded over the previous seven days. The size of the box indicates the quake's strength, and the color indicates how recently the quake occurred. Notable quakes include the cluster of red boxes in Chile, and the blue box indicating a seismic event in Japan.

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